Heat Pump Installation2024-03-08T17:57:04+00:00


Heat Pumps are a home heating solution that uses air to deliver hot water for your heating system. Choose from our tried and tested range of heat pumps and lead the way in enjoying carbon-reducing, greener heating.

An air source heat pump uses the energy in the air to provide heat and hot water to your home. It uses electricity to run the components of a heat pump, to transfer the energy from the heat source into the heat sink or heating system.

Are you thinking of choosing a heat pump? Find out if it works for your home by using our simple checker:

  1.  Initial discussion: Your installer will ask for some information about your home and book an appointment.
  2. Home suitability check: During the appointment, the installer will undertake an initial home heat loss survey, propose a suitable location of the heat pump outdoor unit (to comply with local planning requirements) and check the dwelling’s electrical power supply is sufficient.
  3. Full heat loss survey: If you wish to progress, a room-by-room heat loss calculation will be completed, alongside a review of your current system, pipework and radiators in case they require upgrading (installers may charge for this as it takes a few hours). You’ll receive a report of their findings, with a full quote which should include information on grants available.
  4. Home modifications: If you go ahead, before installation any upgrades to insulation, pipework and power supply will be needed (if required).
  5. Installation and commissioning: Heat pump installation will then take place which can take a few days depending on the work required, followed by
    commissioning. Your installer will advise you further.


What are the annual running costs of a heat pump system?2024-03-08T16:40:09+00:00

The running costs of a heat pump will vary from house type to house type. A well-insulated house built to new building regulation standards will generally be less expensive to run than a gas or oil fired boiler system providing the heating system flow temperatures are kept relatively low, ideally around 40ºC.

A heat pump will be less efficient and more costly to run when generating higher temperatures, either because the house isn’t well insulated, the radiators are insufficiently sized for the lower temperatures or when generating higher temperatures to produce hot water.

What are the servicing requirements of a heat pump?2024-03-08T16:39:50+00:00

The servicing requirements of a heat pump are not as onerous as a boiler however, there are disagreements as to whether the homeowner can undertake this or a service engineer is required.

With a Ground Source heat pump the requirements are more of a check than an activity, the closed loop collection system needs to be checked for the correct levels and efficacy as the fluid also serves as an anti-freeze. The heating system water pressure needs to be maintained and, if the installation has a mains pressure unvented hot water storage cylinder, the servicing requirements of that needs to be considered.

An Air Source heat pump requires the external unit to be kept free of leaves and debris, any filters within also need cleaning or replacing as specified by the manufacturer. And similar to a Ground Source heat pump, any unvented, mains water pressure cylinder needs to be serviced to the manufacturer’s instructions

How much does it cost to install a heat pump?2024-03-08T16:39:32+00:00

The installation cost of a heat pump will differ from house to house and from size and type of heat pump chosen. As a rule of thumb, an air to water heat pump will cost around £8k to install and a ground source heat pump could be anything up to and around £20k. This though is very dependent on the site and as to whether the existing heating system can be used and the position of the equipment etc.

There are grants available to assist in the investment, sometimes locally and regionally, as well as The Boiler Upgrade Scheme, a government incentive that will assist with the upfront cost of upgrading your heating system with one of our air to water and ground source heat pumps. In addition, there is now no VAT on heat pumps – reducing the cost even further.

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